Looking for Weak Signals

Horizon scanning (also known as environmental scanning) is the foundation of strategic foresight. It is a systematic process of exploring the external environment to identify potential threats, opportunities, disruptions, uncertainties or likely developments relevant to the issue or system under study. The goal is to better understand the nature and pace of change.

The basic elements of horizon scanning are weak signals, i.e. early signs or events whose occurrence is perceived as unknown or unlikely but with potentially significant disruptive or transformative impact if they occur. The posts listed below in the FACTA section describe events, phenomena, or facts that may have a crucial impact on future developments, and in the FUTURA section, they assess their possible future consequences.

China is building a mega Port Terminal in the Peruvian city of Chancay. Chinese firm Cosco owns 60% stake in the future port, which is to be used as a trade hub in South America. The total cost of the facility, which promises to shorten shipping times for shipments of any goods between Beijing and the Pacific, is expected...

Iran launches a pilot version of its new digital rial on Kish Island in the Persian Gulf. Users can scan a barcode to make purchases and transfer money without using paper money or bank cards. The central bank began testing a prototype CBDC (central bank digital currency) already in 2022. The digital rial will facilitate retail transactions and...